Pro-Life America
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Did you know that Planned Parenthood performs more abortions than anyone in America? Most people are not aware of that fact that Planned Parentood runs the nation's largest abortion chain.

But why would Planned Parenthood get into the abortion business after what they said in 1964? Could it be the millions of dollars they rake in?

In 1964, Planned Parenthood published a pamphlet promoting "Birth Control." In the question and answer section of the pamphlet, they posed a question about "birth control" and abortion. Here's the question and how Planned Parenthood answered it:

Q: "Is it [birth control] an abortion?"

A: "Definitely not. An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile so that when you want a child you cannot have it. Birth control merely postpones the beginning of life."(1)

If Planned Parenthood believed that abortion kills a baby in 1964, why did they become the largest abortion chain in America? In their 1964 pamphlet, Planned Parenthood was right about one very important point -- abortion does kill babies. So what's changed since Planned Parenthood made that statement in 1964? Back then, Planned Parenthood was promoting "birth control." But shortly thereafter, Planned Parenthood began encouraging and selling abortion -- and for many years now, Planned Parenhood has been the #1 promoter and provider of abortion in the country.


Planned Parenthood itself does more than 10% of the nearly 1.5 million U.S. abortions each year.

According to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America 1997-1998 Annual Report, Planned Parenthood performed 165,174 abortions in 1997. Planned Parenthood promotes itself as "privately funded," yet in 1997 alone, they received $165 million of the public's tax money. (2)

Planned Parenthood also teaches sex-ed programs that have led to an increase in pregnancies… and an increase in abortions. According to Planned Parenthood's own research, their sex education programs have caused a 50% higher rate of sexual activity among teens. (3)

Regarding "birth control," it should be noted that the Pill, and many other chemical forms of "birth control" (ie: Norplant, Depo-Provera, RU-486 and the "emergency morning-after" pill) frequently cause early abortions. You may read more about this in a book called: "Does The Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions?" At this link, eleven physicians confirm that the Pill does cause early abortions.


(1) Marc Newman, founder of Frontline Communications, provided copies of this 1964 Planned Parenthood pamphlet at a speaker's training seminar on March 13, 1999, in Long Beach, California. For questions, or copies of the pamphlet, contact Marc Newman in San Diego at 760-737-9684. [Editor's note: Marc Newman was the director of Speech and Debate for the University of California at Irvine and he is currently considered one of the top pro-life speaker's trainers in America.]

(2) Planned Parenthood Federation of America's 1997-1998 Annual Report.

(3) Louis Harris and Associates, American Teens Speak: Sex, Myths, TV and Birth Control (New York: Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 1986) p. 19.

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